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Blog Post 2022-06-02

Canada Is Updating the NOC with TEER: What You Need to Know

Since 2016, the Canadian government has been using the National Occupancy Classification (NOC) system to classify the Canadian job market into 5 broad categories:

  • NOC O – Management Positions
  • NOC A – Professionals with University Qualifications
  • NOC B – Technical and Skilled Trades Requiring Two or More Years of Post-Secondary Education
  • NOC C – Intermediate Jobs Requiring High School and Some Job-Specific Training
  • NOC D – Labour Jobs That Require On-The-Job Training

However, as stipulated in Canadian law, the government is required to update these qualifications every 10 years in order to account for changes in the economy and in the nature of work. According to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the government body responsible for making these changes, the new Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) categories will be launched in November 2022 and will replace the current 5-category system by expanding the new TEER system into 6 new categories that will further subdivide the NOC B category into two different levels. While the years of on-the-job training and experience clearly serve to differentiate these categories, the most notable distinction corresponds to different education levels. The new TEER system will correspond to the old system as follows:

NOC TEER Equivalency Table

As a result of these changes, 16 previously ineligible job categories will become eligible under the Express Entry (EE) streams. These include:

  • Heavy equipment operators
  • Transport truck drivers
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
  • Pest controllers and fumigators
  • Sheriffs and bailiffs
  • Correctional service officers
  • Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
  • Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
  • Payroll administrators
  • Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
  • By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
  • Residential and commercial installers and servicers
  • Other repairers and servicers
  • Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors

Conversely, the new system will also render certain job categories as ineligible for EE. These include:

  • tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners
  • program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
  • other performers

If you would like to check out and see how these changes will affect the way the new TEER system will effect your job classification in Canada, Statistics Canada has provided this online tool.

Overall, the future of the Canadian Express Entry program for permanent residency and citizenship in Canada looks bright with more job categories then ever qualifying for express entry after November 2022. If you would like to know if you qualify for any of the immigration streams to Canada and or will do so in the near future, you are welcome to fill out our free assessment and see if you are able to begin your journey towards Canadian PR with Visa Time Immigration.